25 April 2011

Magazine Collage

This project sprouted after finding two lovely tiles while at SCRAP one Saturday afternoon.  Organic in its texture, the tile inspired the design, created with ribbon and magazine cutouts.  Sitting in my living room cutting through a stack of National Geographics, I stayed up later than I should have with work the next morning,  But, it was a refreshing break from the my daily routine to create something spontaneously.  Another motivating factor lies in the redecorating of my living room.  One of my roommates moved out lastmonth and I've been slowly decorating our living room to pull together the various pieces of furniture.  This collage sits on the wall in my living room and helps us get closer to establishing the character and color scheme of our living room.

17 April 2011

Dying Easter Eggs

A little under a year ago, a fellow volunteer at Project Open Hand planted a seed in my head when he described his silk-dyed Easter eggs.  Full of paisley and other intricate patterns, his eggs looked hand painted and borderline relatives of faberge eggs.  For my monthly art night last Friday, I set us up with silk ties and scarves and more eggs than one can imagine.  I remember dying eggs in elementary school with cups of dye, wire metal loop carriers, wax crayons, heat shrink plastic sleeves and all sorts of glue-on accessories.  With that list of supplies, I cannot imagine achieving the level of detail and color saturation provided by the silk.